The Glass Wands of Gavazan – Paperback Book – Fiction

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The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction

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The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction
The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction
The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction
The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction
The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction
The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction

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The Glass Wands of Gavazan - Paperback Book - Fiction

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Categories: Books
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The Glass Wands of Gavazan

by J.L.I. Johnson

Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult

425 pages, published 2020

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($3.82 has been added to the $14.99 retail price to include media mail shipping for one copy. If you would like no cost local pick-up, or to order more copies, please contact us and we will arrange it for you!)

John Johnson, Laureen Asa-Dorian and Ivy Johnson write together as a family. Their inspiration for their first novel rose from Ivy's business which she began in 4th grade; selling magic wands to her classmates. Soon, the whole family was involved in creating and selling items that reflected their love of science fiction and fantasy. As Ivy grew, so did her love for written expression. The challenge to write a full length novel led to a new family project, with each person bringing their own skill set to the table.
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Excerpt From: J.L.I. Johnson. “The Glass Wands of Gavazan.” 

(This is copyrighted material; please do not reproduce for others.)

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