Use this magic wand guide to help you choose the wand that’s right for you! You have heard it said that the wand chooses the wizard…but the subconscious mind has a lot to do with what wand feels right. Choosing a wand is a different process for each individual person. I use the 3 C’s…. Character, Costume, and Color. For example, I have several wands that I decide to use depending on what I’m wearing and what my character is at that moment. You might also consider how a wand makes you feel, and the mood that it evokes.
Our Glass Wands are 13 1/4” in length. Our other handmade rolled wood fiber based wands usually measure anywhere from 10” to 14”. You can find them available for purchase here.
Once you have acquired a wand, it is advisable to have a secure way to carry it. One solution would be to sew long pockets inside the sleeves of your long sleeved shirts. But it would be a lot easier instead to purchase one of my handmade wand pouches!
My handmade pouches are made with soft panne velvet material that is slightly stretchy. Each pouch cinches closed with a length of black paracord which can easily be secured to a belt loop or strap. So, with eight different colors to choose from, you’ll be sure to find one that fits your costume or Hogwarts house color.
TIP: If you want a more rigid wand pouch, simply cut an empty paper towel roll lengthwise and insert it into the pouch. However, you may need more than one paper towel roll if your pouch is long.
Many wizards have purchased my pouches to take with them to Universal to carry their interactive wands. I have created this magic wand guide with charts I have put together in order to help you determine what length pouch you will need according to the wands available at Universal.
Universal Interactive wands range in size from 12 3/4” to 17 1/2” and remember that each wand comes in a box which varies in length depending on the wand. Also included is a map which folds out to a size of 17” by 11”. (Folded size of map is 11” by 2”) Please note: my handmade pouches will fit only the wand, not the box or map.

In conclusion, I’d like to share some links I found useful in compiling the information for the charts.